Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sports and Prom

Today was a bit strange in subject matter. All day in the blazing sun shooting track and field, then tennis. Then at 10:30, 'Senior Prom,' a rather clever party idea where a bunch of friends dressed like it was prom. I was as much a part of the set as I was actually documenting it-- what's prom without prom pictures! But it was a good time and I got less sunburned than I did shooting at the track. However, it did not have my favorite event of the day, which was Steeplechase. Whoever decided a good way to test strength was to make people run 3k around a track and jump in water every lap was a bit of a nut, I think, but it makes for interesting photos.

Tech stuff: I shot all day today with a borrowed Nikon kit, using a D2x and D2h. I had shot with this stuff before, but I feel like I've really got them down now, except for the pesky backwards zooming. 'Prom' gave me yet another chance to break out the Alienbees, though I just used one AB800 with a brolly box. The results were a bit contrasty, but not to much that a little touch up couldn't fix.

The aforementioned Steeplechase.

DePauw's Bryan Heck returns a serve during a match Friday afternoon.

Some 'prom goers.'

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